
عاجل :
منع أي تجمع يزيد عن 3 أشخاص في مترو الأنفاق.. و40 سيارة أمن مركزي تحاصر دار القضاء العالي وجامعة القاهرة
تغيير خطوط سير أتوبيسات النقل العام.. والقادمون من حدائق القبة إلى العمرانية ينتهي بهم الخط في التحرير!
Prevent any gathering of more than 3 people on the subway .. And40 car security surrounding the Central High Court and the University of Cairo
Change the routes of public transport buses .. And coming fromurban gardens to the dome end of their line in the editing!

تم التأكد من خبر القاء القبض على البنات ، الخبر المؤكد : الامن يقبض علي 8 بنات منهن صحفية باسلام اون لاين من مقهي سيلانتروا بجامعة الدول العربية

Confirmed the news of the arrest of girls, the news is certain:security, arrested on 8 of them girls press with Islam Online is a caféSilantroa League of Arab States

الأحد، 23 يناير 2011

Badawi agrees on the participation of youth in demonstrations Delegation January 25

Dr. Mr. Badawi agreed on the participation of youth in the Wafd Party, which called for demonstrations by a number of political parties and forces on January 25 under the theme "day of rage".
The Badawi during a meeting today with the youth of the Wafd Party that a number of leaders of the delegation will participate in the demonstrations, led by Ramy Lakah, and Muhammad Mustafa Shourdy media spokesman for the party, and agreed Bedouin with the youth delegation to content themselves with raising the flags of Egypt during the demonstrations.
At the same time Badawi announced during the meeting the party's intention to launch a news channel on behalf of the delegation and the establishment of "Al-Wafd and Weekly" to be the first English-language opposition newspaper in Egypt.

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