
عاجل :
منع أي تجمع يزيد عن 3 أشخاص في مترو الأنفاق.. و40 سيارة أمن مركزي تحاصر دار القضاء العالي وجامعة القاهرة
تغيير خطوط سير أتوبيسات النقل العام.. والقادمون من حدائق القبة إلى العمرانية ينتهي بهم الخط في التحرير!
Prevent any gathering of more than 3 people on the subway .. And40 car security surrounding the Central High Court and the University of Cairo
Change the routes of public transport buses .. And coming fromurban gardens to the dome end of their line in the editing!

تم التأكد من خبر القاء القبض على البنات ، الخبر المؤكد : الامن يقبض علي 8 بنات منهن صحفية باسلام اون لاين من مقهي سيلانتروا بجامعة الدول العربية

Confirmed the news of the arrest of girls, the news is certain:security, arrested on 8 of them girls press with Islam Online is a caféSilantroa League of Arab States

الأحد، 23 يناير 2011

Statement from the Muslim Brotherhood reveals summon officials of the provincial security forces cracked down severely and threatened

The Muslim Brotherhood, and they follow what is happening on the international arena, regional and domestic, and following the events of Tunisia, and the desire to maintain the security, stability and the lives of citizens and property of the people and the place of Egypt, had issued a clear statement of requirements and requests for real reform of political, social, economic and how to respect people's rights and the fight against Corruption and Accountability of mischief.
This is the national demands to ensure that the achievement of freedoms, stability and security to prevent the chaos that warns everyone.
And we were surprised by the reaction of precipitate free from the wisdom and tact, and expecting to insist on the survival of the regime in the same location that supports tyranny, corruption and state terrorism; by calling officials of the Muslim Brotherhood in the governorates and threatened brutally arrest and violent confrontation, and possibly bloody in the case to take to the streets to declare these popular demands.
Given this, we declare our rejection of threats and terrorism, and we assure that the file of the group political file, and should not be in the hands of security, someone wants to engage with the nation and we are fabric and are present and are spread and rooted them to discuss the means of reform and curriculum change in order to get out all of the crisis and impasse where people live and the nation, we are fully prepared for it, but call for a comprehensive national dialogue all the forces and trends, parties and political movements and representatives of all classes of people.
I do not imagine any sane person that the method of threats and intimidation can be afraid of; because we are working to God for the good of the nation, and work God is not scared by something; because he fears God alone) Which two teams deserving of security if you know ((cattle: verse 81).
We stress that due to the officials now have to deal with popular frustrations stemming from the corruption and tyranny, the wisdom required, a response to the demands of the nation and begin to apply immediately, rather than the referral of all important files in the community to the security authorities, which does not only approach the threat and intimidation, detention, torture, imprisonment and even murder; which does not address the issue will not bring just and stable, but raises all the people and communities devoted to hatred of security and order in the hearts of everyone.
This is our position and our appeal to the nation as a whole, Lloyd, however, and helped Bassaad build a future of equitable security for this country, even hate spoilers, and will never be only among the people, we share concerns and hopes, and are working to achieve freedom and dignity, and strive with him in all the activities that bring hours of freedom, although serious, will soon) and most helpless of God, but most people do not know ((Yusuf: verse 21)

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